Outgoing Governor of Nakuru County Lee Kinyanjui on Friday Posted a message on his Facebook page thanking the people of Nakuru for the support. In the post,Lee Signaled that he won’t challenge Susan Kihika win in Court
The message reads…
It is so in life that the beginning of one thing marks the end of another. It has been a great previlege serving the people of Nakuru as their Governor.
As we turn another leaf, we wish the people of Nakuru the very best. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than a better Nakuru. We look forward to it.
I thank all the people who walked the journey with me. From staff, County Assembly to external partners, your contribution is highly appreciated. We celebrate your patriotism.
As it is, we must all continue building the nation in our respective portfolios. We owe it to the next generation.
God bless Nakuru
Thank you
The end
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