NAIROBI, Kenya Feb 23- The Justice and Legal Affairs Committee chaired by Hon. John Gitonga Murugara (Tharaka) has today vetted Hon. Shadrack John Mose to the position of Solicitor-General of the Republic of Kenya.
The office of the Solicitor-General is an office tasked with assisting the Attorney General in the performance of his duties as the principal legal advisor to the Government.
Hon. Shadrack John Mose is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over 29 years’ experience in legal practice, who served as a Member of National Assembly for Kitutu Masaba Constituency between the years 2017 and 2022.
The Solicitor-General nominee was taken to task on different issues including how to negotiate complex agreements to reduce the ballooning public debt, why the Government is losing landmark cases, plans to uplift the status of the Kenya School of Law, and how to build synergy between the seasoned state counsels and the State Law Office.
He promised to look into equipping the State Law Office with resources that will help strengthen the structures that will accord state counsels better terms of service, urging the Committee members to assist in securing better financing through budgetary allocations.
On the issue of the Government losing cases, the nominee urged state agencies to consult widely with the office when making critical decisions.
The nominee also promised to work towards digitizing operations in the office for better service delivery, decentralizing the Kenya School of Law to other Counties to reduce the high number of students learning in the main campus as this will also improve the quality of learning and also to open more branches of the State Law Office around the country, with at least a branch in every county.
The Committee will now prepare a report and table it in Parliament on Tuesday next week, either recommending the approval or rejection of the nominee.
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