Guidelines for Filing of Petitions for Admission of Advocates
461 persons were gazetted by Council of Legal Education last week, having complied with the requirements for admission as advocates.
Here is an important notice with the process and timelines for filing of petitions for admission.
For timely processing of the petitions and admission, one is required to file petition by CoB Jan 18.
Persons seeking admission to the Roll of Advocates are hereby notified of the following:
The filing of petitions for admission will be done exclusively online through the Judiciary Advocates Management System that is accessible through http://Jams.court.gcr,ke.
Details of gazetted candidates have been pre loaded onto the system and each candidate is to activate his/her account.
For this, click “Sign Up,” select “Petitioner” and provide the required info (CLE Number, ID Number and e-mail address).
A unique code will be sent to your e mail address for account activation.
After activating the account, the candidate is to file the Petition by uploading the following documents
NB. The documents are to be scanned (not photos) and converted to PDF before uploading):
i. A Notice of the Petition for Admission
ii. Cover Letter addressed to the Chief Justice, and copied to the Secretary of LSK and the Secretary of CLE
iii. The Petition for Admission
Iv)The Certificate of Completion of Pupillage from the Petitioner’s Pupil Master
v. The Pupil Master’s Practicing Certificate for the year of pupillage
NB. Where you undertook your pupillage under a person who is exempt from taking out en annual PC (e.g. ODPP, State Law, Judiciary), please upload a recommendation letter from the Pupil Master on an official Jetter head
vi. Two (2) Certificates of Moral Fitness from Two (2) practicing Advocates
vii. The current Practicing Certificates of the two Advocates issuing the Certificates of Moral Fitness
Viii)The Certificate of Compliance from the Council of Legal Education
ix. A Statutory Declaration verifying the truth of the Petition
x. A certified copy of the Petitioner’s LL.B. Degree Certificate
xi. The relevant page of the Kenya Gazette wherein the Petitioner is duly gazetted by CLE, with the Petitioner’s name highlighted.
(NB. Please upload just the ONE page bearing your name)
xii. The Petitioner’s National ID (citizens) or Passport bio data page (non citizens)
Guidelines for Filing of Petitions for Admission of Advocates
Upon verification and acceptance of the documents, an invoice for KSh. 1,000 Admission Fees will be generated by the system and the Petitioner will be prompted to make payment via M-Pesa, Upon payment, the system
will generate and send to the petitioner a receipt.
Section 15(1) of the Advocates Act requires copies of petitions for admission presented to the Chief Registrar to be served on LSK and CLE.
Consequently, the two bodies have been granted access to the system to view and act on petitions for this purpose, and no service by the petitioner is necessary.
a. Section 15(2) of the Advocates Act requires the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary to publish petitions for a mandatory 30-day period before the Chief Justice can make any order on the petitions. It should be noted that
(i) CLE and the Chief Registrar have distinct statutory mandates,
(ii) this publication of petitions by the Chief Registrar is different from the gazettement of qualified persons by CLE, and
(iii) the 30 day Statutory period provided under Section 15(2) counts from the date of gazettement by the Chief Registrar.
In compliance with this provision, a list of persons who will have filed their petitions will be published by the Chief Registrar in the Kenya Gazette for 30 days before the names are forwarded to the Chief Justice for admission.
To facilitate the timely gazettement of all petitioners at a go, candidates are requested to submit their online petitions by ’18th JANUARY 2023, after which the Chief Registrar will publish the names of the petitioners as required by law.
NB. The system will remain open for submission of petitions thereafter but those who file after
b.this window will be gazetted at a later date.
After the lapse of 30 days following gazettement by the Chief Registrar, petitioners will be invited for the hearing of their petitions on a date set by the Chief Justice.
Section 15(3) of the Advocates Act requires the Chief Justice to hearthe petitions within 90 days of the expiry of the 30 day statutory period following gazettement by the Chief Registrar and the admission date will be set within this 90-day window.
Every effort has been made to develop a system that is user friendly for all persons. Those with challenges may e mail for support.
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