Capacity Building for Governors is at the center of the CoG’s mandate. The CoG has always put its best foot forward to ensure adequate capacity building for County officials, including Governors and their Deputies, for improved and consistent service delivery at the County Level.
In fulfillment of this mandate, the Council has developed a comprehensive induction program for Governors and Deputy Governors that will be undertaken in September 2022 in Mombasa. This follows the 9th August 2022 General election that saw 28 new Governors elected into office through a constitutional and democratic process. 8 pioneer Governors made a comeback while 11 were re-elected.
The Council of Governors on the 18th and 19th of August 2022 held sensitization meetings with development partners and Government agencies respectively in a bid to ensure that their views were consolidated and incorporated into the final program.
“It is my hope that this induction program will propel the implementation of the devolution agenda in Kenya for the benefit of all Kenyans,” noted Devolution Principal Secretary Mr. Julius Korir.
The development of the induction began in 2021 and has been a widely consultative process aimed at creating a wholesome and all-inclusive program. Stakeholders have had the chance to provide valuable input in the program with a view to ensuring that County officials gain from the experience of different stakeholders in the course of implementing devolution.
Addressing development partners and Government agencies during the consultative meeting, the Council of Governors CEO and the Chair of the Induction program steering committee reiterated the importance of all partners and the role they play to empower devolution in Kenya. She also pointed out that the manual will capture lessons learned with an aim of using past experience to come up with strategic ways of conquering the future.
“This manual will be experiential with an aim of sharing and ring-fencing the gains made in devolution thus far. This is the first step in ensuring that Devolution will be strengthened and there is efficient and effective service delivery at the County level,” said Ms. Mary Mwiti.
The manual features 8 strategic modules: Historical background of Devolution in Kenya; Policy and Legislative framework of Devolution; Intergovernmental relations; County planning, budgeting, and financing; County Procurement; County public service management; Cross-cutting issues and Leadership and management skills.
During the induction period, the Governors will hold their first Council meeting where they will elect their new leadership. Thereafter, the Governors are also expected to hold the first summit meeting.
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