Egerton University, a renowned institution in Kenya, is embarking on an ambitious journey to secure international accreditation for two of its Masters programs: Master of Science in Animal Nutrition and Master of Science in Food Science.
The university’s pursuit of excellence took a significant stride forward as a team of expert representatives from ASIIN, a well-regarded accrediting body in Europe, conducted a comprehensive two-day audit of these esteemed postgraduate offerings.
The ASIIN team, comprised of distinguished professionals in the field, hailed from different corners of the globe. Prof. Gerhard Schleining from BOKU in Austria, Prof. Bernhard Hiebl from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover in Germany, Eng. Anke Weisheit from Mbarara University of Science & Technology in Uganda, Sambwe Fundikira, a PhD student at Ghent University in Belgium and Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, and Sascha Warnke, the Project Manager from ASIIN’s Germany office, formed the diverse and experienced panel.
During their visit to Egerton University, the expert representatives engaged in fruitful discussions with various stakeholders, including the University Management Board, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Chairs of relevant Departments, Programme Coordinators, CESAAM team, Faculty, students, alumni, and industry/private sector partners.
Notably, representatives from the Directorate of Marketing and Resource Mobilization were also present, demonstrating the institution’s dedication to a well-rounded evaluation process.
Prof. Isaac Kibwage, the Vice Chancellor of Egerton University, extended a warm welcome to the ASIIN team, showcasing the institution’s commitment to the accreditation process.
In return, the ASIIN experts provided a preliminary report that encapsulated commendations, recommendations, and areas marked for further development.
These insights emerged from an exhaustive evaluation spanning two days, with a focus on key aspects such as curriculum development, robust quality assurance mechanisms, state-of-the-art facilities, effective program marketing, and streamlined coordination.
Expressing gratitude for ASIIN’s comprehensive assessment, Prof. Kibwage reaffirmed Egerton University’s unwavering dedication to enhancing the caliber of its academic offerings.
He emphasized that the guidance provided by the ASIIN team would serve as a crucial resource in elevating the global competitiveness and quality of the Masters programs.
The impending comprehensive ASIIN report holds significant promise for Egerton University. International accreditation for the Master of Science in Animal Nutrition and Master of Science in Food Science programs would bring about substantial benefits.
The global recognition attached to accreditation would not only enhance the university’s reputation and prestige but also attract students seeking high-quality education and industry-relevant skills.
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